Hard of Hearing Bill Flynn

Hard of Hearing Bill Flynn

I went to a party one weekend afternoon at my sister Kathleen’s apartment somewhere around Moshula Parkway in the Bronx. Ellen and Kathleen were just babies at the time and I brought along a friend of mine who I was working with at Lincoln Hall, Ron Logan. Lincoln Hall was a reform school run by the Christian Brothers where my brother Pat and I both worked and where Jack Flynn also had spent a summer or two. Ron was a football big charming Irish guy whose mother lived on the Concourse and he fit into the family gathering with much ease. Ron had recently returned from a trip to Ireland and was talking to my mother. Of course Ron had no clue as to how hard of hearing Bridie Flynn was. “Mrs. Flynn, I never knew how many relatives I had in Ireland until we went to visit the Roaches.”  To which he received the partially indignant response “Roaches? There aren’t any roaches in Ireland.” A pregnant pause ensued and the room broke out into laughter. Mom was great. She laughed at herself as hard as the rest of us did and I told the story on her for years. Bridie Flynn was a very good sport.

One thought on “Hard of Hearing Bill Flynn”

  1. Aunt Bridie was such a wonderful woman. When I spent a summer in NY in my youth, she was wonderful to me.
    Also I would like to thank you Billy for your kindness when you picked my daughter and myself up when we visited New York following her surgery in Philadelphia. I’ve always remembered that kindness. Your cousin in Ireland, Mary Cullinane


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